Project 2: Rate My Setup

Techiques & Platforms: Photogrammetry, Obs, Unity3d, Lens Studio


Setup My Altar

For this week, I started to build the scene in the Unity3D and combine it with OBS virtual camera. It is with regret that I hadn't thought of a specific concept about my altar. Thus mainly what I did it filled up my space with my "secondaries"(maybe that's my point - familiar but unimportant things floating and jumping around me - somehow digitally display the intimacy I have with my surroudings happening in real environment)
1st attempt

I added animations to the flowers and the candle models, So they are jumping and repeating in front of me - like my loyal guardians. And other stuffs floating and rotating in the area.

Final Version

I think this series of technologies is a powerful strategy to be applied into various digital practices. And also worth to think about the relationship between physical and digital objects through these open ended experiments.


Step into Photogrammetry

For the week4, We started to use Metashape to scan our objects and create their digital twins. At very initial step, I misunderstood the photoing process - only took photos of the object at the same flat. Plus, I was really bad at managing the distance between my phone and object, so the dense cloud looked really chaotic.\n My first try:

After practiced several times, I became more experienced at taking good photo collection. So here are more photogrammetry I made: